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Big Dai Di - Big Two, Fun Card Games, Bi





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




Big Dai Di - Big Two, Fun Card Games, Big2(圖1)-速報App

Big 2 or Big two is a popular card game of Chinese poker. Big 2 is very popular in East Asia and South East Asia, especially throughout China, Indonesia, Macau, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.

Big2 is closely related to poker, in that poker hands and values are used in the play of the game, and to other card game variations where players attempt to rid their hands of all its cards. The 2 of spades♠, Big Two, is always the highest single card.

A big 2 card set can be either of the following:

1) Single: one card

2) Pair: 2 cards of the same rank

3) Triple: 3 cards of the same rank

4) Straight: 5 cards forming a consecutive sequence

5) Flush: 5 cards of the same suit

6) Full House: 3 cards of the same rank and 2 other cards of the same rank

Big Dai Di - Big Two, Fun Card Games, Big2(圖2)-速報App

7) Quadro: 4 cards of the same rank and an arbitrary card

8) Straight Flush: 5 cards of the same suit forming a consecutive sequence.

In big2, the ranks of the cards in increasing value are 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A 2. A card of higher rank is better than a card of lower rank. Among cards of the same rank, a card of higher suit is better. The suits of the cards in increasing value are Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade.

Card sets of the same type are compared as followed:

1) For full house, use the rank of the triple

2) For quadro, use the rank of the 4 same-rank cards

3) For flush, use the rank of the biggest card. If the two biggest cards in the sets are equal, the next biggest cards are compared, and so on.

4) For all others, use the biggest card in the set

Valid card sets of 5 different cards are compared according to poker rule, which straight the smallest, then flush, full house, quadro, and straight flush is the biggest.

Big Dai Di - Big Two, Fun Card Games, Big2(圖3)-速報App

Big 2 can be played with 2 to 4 people with 1 Deck(52 Cards). Each player get 13 cards and the player who spent their whole cards will win the round.

let's enjoy a simple and addictive big two or Big 2 game! Try it for FREE now! Do you think you are the best Big 2 Player in the World ? It is time to prove it!

Big Dai Di - Big Two, Fun Card Games, Big2(圖4)-速報App